
In our journey to great Health & Wellness, we realize our cells are at the foundation. Wellness Information & Education is the key to opening this door. Healthy Cell Solutions is about Blood Microscopy,(Light Field). That means we can take one drop of blood and while it is still alive, we put it under a micron microscope. It is amazing what you can learn and see. It is good to know you can improve your cellular strength and health naturally when you have the information to go forward. To see if you may have bacteria in your blood, or parasites. Are you digesting foods and protein in a way that is helping you to feel great or maybe feeling not so great.

How is your immune system working? and then there is the question… Are your platelets starting to aggregate? This simply means are you starting to form clots?  Is you body producing uric acid?  Do you have excess sugar or are you digesting carbohydrates? Do you need more folate or vitamin B12?  How would you Know?

This is what google says:

Nutritional Microscopy is an evaluation routinely used by holistic medical, osteopathic, chiropractic and naturopathic physicians, as well as other health care professionals around the world, providing an insightful view of your internal environment, referred to as your “biological terrain”.

What others say:

This letter is to anyone who is considering a live blood analysis from Sheila Z Stirling.

When I visited ms. Stirling I was very ill from several infections.
I was fortunate enough to receive an Analysis from Ms. Stirling.

I was informed of some anomalies in my blood that Ms. Stirling explained in depth and the consequences of a failure to treat the disorders that she observed.

I was at a point where I could only start with a few of her suggestions. Which I did faithfully and started to notice relief of some of my symptoms. As time went on I was able to start nutritional supplements suggested by M. Stirling.

The results are very positive and I am feeling better. My digestive tract seems to be healing and I am feeling better as time goes on and I use the information and supplements that she suggested.
I am feeling better and more positive. I am so grateful for her assistance and recommend her services to anyone who has tried western medicine and still felt unaided.

Sincerely, Lawrence H. De La Cruz M.A.
